TV Producer to first-time Teacher
A career changer's blog

A helpful guide for trainee teachers
True tales from the chalkface...

The Queen of Daytime Daytime TV Producer to Primary School Teacher 

The time had come to say goodbye

Daytime TV Producer to first-time Teacher

From telly to teaching: After 12 years at ITV, this blog captures my real-life tales from TV to teacher.

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From TV to teacher: A career changer and first-time teacher goes back to school.

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Behaviour and routines: Key components for effective classroom management.

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Meet the teacher: A short video introducing myself to my new class before their summer break.

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The art of leaving isn't easy

Don't Look Back in Anger, Regret or Wonder

Don't Look Back in Anger, Regret or Wonder

Deciding to leave ITV: You can't get to where you want to go, without leaving where you are..

Daytime TV Producer to Year 1 Primary School Teacher

My first day as a teacher: Morning prep, learning names, class rules, expectations and getting to know my class.

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Tech in the classroom: The interactive whiteboard (IWB), the visualiser and more.

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Fitness breaks to improve behaviour for learning: How long is too long on the carpet? Learning to read the room.

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Chair bags: Keeping the essentials close by. Additional and accessible storage space for pupils.

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Daytime TV Producer to Year 1 Primary School Teacher

My first week as a teacher: I felt like a baby who'd been chucked into the water and told to swim. Yes, there were tears.

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Insets and Safeguarding: School training days, keeping children safe and handling a pupil's disclosure.

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Preparing your classroom for September: A laminator and a Sharpie are required :).

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Maintaining your friendships while teacher training: You'll be immersed in a demanding world of teaching and learning, but don't neglect your mates. You'll really need them.

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Daytime TV Producer to first-time Teacher

My first three weeks as a teacher: As I entered the third week of September, I questioned whether I could continue on this journey.

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How to be a healthy trainee teacher: Diet, exercise and closing the stress cycle. Beware of the sugar monster!

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Primary school glam: Teaching, pampering and beauty sleep. Yes, you can wear makeup. Don't neglect yourself, and seriously consider a shellac mani.

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A teacher friend: The importance of having a pal in school to support you on your journey.

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Daytime TV Producer to Year 1 Primary School Teacher

My first term as a teacher: By week four, I was looking less stressed, and by half-term, I was ready to be pampered :).

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Writing and oracy in the classroom: Say it, write it and read it. Story maps, handwriting, modelling and more.

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Why phonics works: Read Write Inc (RWI), the importance of comprehension, reading for pleasure and more.

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Mastery maths: The Concrete Pictorial Abstract (CPA) approach and more.

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Daytime TV Producer to first-time Teacher

Learning to teach like a champion: The lowdown on my five-weeks at Summer Institute (SI). Scenario-based learning (SBL), self-directed learning and preparing to visit my future school.

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I have a school: Getting matched with a Teach First school and meeting the headteacher.

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Four days in my future school were invaluable: My Summer Institute Employment Days allowed me to see how my school ticked, and it prepared me for September.

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Applying for Teach First: My application form, the competency questions, my selection day, my provisional offer, my curriculum knowledge assessment (CKA) and more.

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Spill the tea Online chatter for trainee teachers 

CHATT cafe CHATT cafe CHATT cafe 
Welcome to the CHATT Cafe Forum.
Sit back, relax and spill the tea with a community of trainee teachers and those who have been through it. This is a safe space to offload, encourage and inspire each other. Share new ideas and talk about day-to-day life as a trainee teacher.

Daytime TV Producer to first-time Teacher

Being observed: The lowdown on teacher training observations. Lesson plans, post-observation meetings and more.

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Teacher training progress and evidence: Development goals, instructional coaching and using Steplab to safely store documents and monitor progress online.

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Press record and watch your progress: The benefits of recording your teaching and how I used 'Iris Connect' to capture it all.

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Rosenshine's 10 Principles of Instruction: Gradual release of responsibility, cognitive overload, schema, reviews, scaffolds, episodic memories and more.

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Daytime TV Producer to first-time Teacher

Teacher training: Uni days & QTS training. Assignment modules, community of practice sessions and curriculum learning.

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My two 6,000-word assignments: Exploring my emerging philosophy of teaching and learning, nailing academic writing and my leading learning in communities essay on reading for pleasure.

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Teach First's Termly Reviews: The lowdown on my TR1 and TR2. Evidence, slides, presentations and more.

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The expert support: How my Development Lead (DL), tutor and mentor all helped me achieve my goal.

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Daytime TV Producer to first-time Teacher

School gets festive: Christmas decs, Christmas dinner, parties, performances and more.

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Assessment in the classroom: The lowdown on formative and summative assessment, tracking pupil progress and assessment for learning (AfL).

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Meeting the Parents: The lowdown on parents' meetings and top tips for success.

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Illness and early career teachers: Why your first year of teaching will be your poorliest and how to avoid the class cold.

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Daytime TV Producer to first-time Teacher

Finding my fit: From KS1 to KS2. A month in Year 5 for my Alternative Key Stage Placement (AKS).

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My week in another primary school: Observing and teaching in a different setting for my Contrasting School Experience (CSE).

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From primary to secondary: The lowdown on my secondary school experience. What a day :).

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Daytime TV Producer to first-time Teacher

Getting those three little letters: Teach First's final assessment meeting, being awarded qualified teacher status and celebrating QTS success :).

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School trIps and fun days: Recces and risk assessments, the Summer Fete, Sports Day, World Book Day, fundraising, cultural capital and more.

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School's out for the summer: The last day of term. Goodbyes, gifts, decluttering and celebrations :).

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Writing reports: The personal touch, school templates and why you should start them early.

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Singing & celebrating with my sister

This is Summer :)

Why supply? Lifting the lid on supply teaching

The Joy of Supply

Do simple things well :)

Essential Tips for Supply Teaching Days

Essential Tips for Supply Teaching Days

A helpful guide for supply teachers: Handovers, timings, dismissals and more. From getting up to getting out, and what to do when you arrive in a brand new setting.

This is 40 :)

Reach out :)

  • Bexleyheath, England, United Kingdom

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